Structural Mechanics Laboratory

Area of Concentration: 
Solid Mechanics and Vibrations

LMEst develops its research activities with funding from government funding agencies (FINEP, CNPq and FAPEMIG) and from partner industrial companies (EMBRACO, Multibrás and EMBRAER). Furthermore, it strongly favors international cooperation with other institutions, with which it exchanges researchers: Laboratoire de Mécanique Appliquée Raymond Chaléat, Besançon, France, Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Rouen, France, Office National d'Études et Recherches Aéroespatiales, France.

LMEst develops its research activities with funding from government funding agencies (FINEP, CAPES, CNPq and FAPEMIG) and from partner industrial companies (EMBRACO, PETROBRAS and EMBRAER). In addition, it favors cooperation with foreign institutions, with which it exchanges professors-researchers and students, in particular: the Laboratoire de MécaniqueAppliquée Raymond Chaléat, in Besançon, France, the InstitutNationaldesSciencesAppliquées in Rouen, France, and the InstitutNationaldesSciencesAppliquées in Lyon , France.

In 2000, LMEst became linked to the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (FEMEC/UFU).

On October 24, 2007, new LMEst facilities were inaugurated, located in Block 1O of the Santa Mônica Campus, having been associated with the laboratory, the name of Professor José Eduardo Tannús Reis, retired professor of the Physics Institute of the UFU, in recognition for his contribution to the teaching of Engineering at UFU. The renovation works were carried out with funds from the UFU and complemented with the sponsorship of the EMBRACO company.

As of 2008, LMEst became the headquarters of the National Institute of Science and Technology of Intelligent Structures in Engineering (INCT-EIE), an international research network dedicated to the study of intelligent materials and their applications in engineering problems.

Office hours: 07h30 às 11h30 e 13h30 às 17h30.

Coordinator: Helder Barbieri Lacerda

Phone: +55 34 3239-4017

Address: Av. João Naves de Ávila - 2121 - Bloco 1O - terreo - Bairro Santa Mônica, Uberlândia - MG - CEP 38400-902